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7 reasons why your business may need a Marketing Consultant

Written by Christopher Melotti

Business Marketing.

  • It can be the lifeblood of your company’s revenue
  • It can also be the wound that bleeds your organisation dry.

Crude, sure. But accurate!

That’s why marketing can be a double-edged sword.

You want to invest in the right marketing initiatives to get the results!

Obviously, the ideal goal of marketing is to drive more customer demand which leads to more income.

So, you launch marketing campaigns to ignite the minds of your ideal customer, make them aware of your product/service and convince them that they can’t live without you.

I break marketing down like this:

Sure. You can complicate this, but this marketing flow is basically how it works.

If you nail each of these steps, then you have it made.

What’s the problem with business marketing, then?

Well, as simple as I made that look, it’s not so simple in practise.

  • The product can have the wrong features
  • The service can offer the wrong outcomes
  • The customer isn’t well defined
  • Your marketing message is off, or
  • You can’t find the right execution.

You’re not alone if you’ve found yourself here.

This happens a LOT. Every organisation hits this challenge.

Every brand and business that you know has got their marketing wrong at some point or another.

When hitches like this arise, it turns your marketing engine into a car crash, sadly. Then, you’re left there, picking up the pieces, wondering what happened or what to do next.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to see marketing faults when you’re in the business

When you’re living and breathing your brand every single day, it’s hard to see where the breakdowns are happening along your marketing chain.

That’s when an external marketing consultant can come in – not to take over, but to give you the answers from the fresh perspective you need.

Marketing consultant. Marketing advisor. Virtual CMO. Fractional CMO. We have many names.

But, the point is, an Australian Marketing Consultant can really help in this situation (and more).

Plus, a marketing consultant doesn’t have to cost a fortune and you often don’t have to sign up for some long-term commitment (at least, I don’t anyway!).

Are you questioning whether your organisation needs a marketing consultant?

I get asked this a lot.

So, let me breakdown the 7 main reasons why you need to reach out. This way, you’ll know for sure the answer to these common questions:

  • Do I need a Marketing Consultant?
  • When do I need a Marketing Consultant
  • How do I know I need a Marketing Consultant
  • Why do I need a Marketing Consultant?

All will be revealed. Check these below out and see which apply to you.


Christopher Melotti

Brand Comms Strategist, Marketing Advisor & Message Marketer
Founder of Melotti Media

Christopher Melotti is a well-established and renowned Australian Marketing Professional who lives by the motto, “Continually challenge, consistently grow, constantly humbled, confidently show.”

Christopher founded, manages and is the Creative Director of Melotti Media Copywriting and Message Marketing Bureau, where he and his team work with a wide range of clients from Government, Medical and Education, to Marketing, Legal Firms, Finance and more.

Chris’ goal is not just to articulate brands and mastermind messaging strategy, but to demonstrate the potential that clear, consistent communications offer businesses. Everything Melotti Media does is about evolving marketing practise by providing superior, relevant value (entertainment and education) through proactive action.

Christopher Melotti is also a highly-sought Business Advisor and Marketing Consultant.

Christopher has won many prestigious awards for his work, the most notable being the Australian Business Champion’s Copywriting Business Of The Year 2022, Australian Achiever Awards 2021 National Winner for Marketing Services and the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of the Year award in 2017 (Australian Marketing Institute), and teaches a range of professional business marketing classes across Australia.

7 reasons why you would consider hiring a marketing consultant

  1. “I need someone with marketing expertise”
  2.  “I need an objective marketing opinion”
  3. “I need a Marketing Manager, minus the cost”
  4. “I need a Marketing specialist at certain times.”
  5. “I need a Marketer who has connections.”
  6. “I need someone to speed my marketing projects up.”
  7. “I want someone to train my team in Marketing.”

1. “I need someone with marketing expertise”

So, if you’re not a Marketing professional OR you don’t have a marketing specialisation in a specific area, like content marketing or brand communications, then yep, you could use the help of a Marketing Consultant.

The right Australian Marketing Advisor can offer you the knowledge that you need that may not already be in your organisation.

Can I just say: there’s no shame or issue in that. I’d guess that you don’t fix your own plumbing or wire your house up with electricity, right? You call someone to do that who does this a lot.

The same thing applies here. An Australian Marketing Consultant can offer market trend insights, a fresh view on client behaviour and help devise a new marketing approach to your goals.

2. “I need an objective marketing opinion”

So, when you’re living in your corporation day-in-day-out, it can be hard to separate yourself from the intricacies of what’s happening.

An external marketing consultant in Australia can give you our fresh perspective and see things from a different angle that you may have not considered.

Imagine what you could uncover if could vent your frustrations and then, someone said: “Ah huh! Ok I see where you need to go here…”

How great would that feel? When you bring in a Marketing Consultant, they’re not bound by your internal politics and culture restrictions, so this can inject some much-needed inspiration!

3. “I need a Marketing Manager, minus the cost”

Got it. A CMO or a Head Marketer can be a very expensive headcount for your business, sometimes costing $120,000 per year plus super, plus plus plus. 

That’s where an external Marketing Advisor or Fractional CMO can pop in, around your goals and budgets, do the task and finish.

Having that external Marketing Consultant means you get all the expertise without the costly headcount. No payroll or superannuation, no need to set them up or onboard them.

It’s a pretty great option and gets you the cost-effective marketing pro you need.

4. “I need a Marketing specialist at certain times.”

I get it. You don’t need a marketing guru every day. That’s totally fine!

An Australian Marketing Consultant can offer great flexibility, scaling their time and hours around your marketing requirements. That means you have access to marketing resource who is scalable – during peak periods, you can get us in and then, when your budget is tight or you have less work, pull them back.

That makes that Marketing Consultant pretty user-friendly!

5. “I need a Marketer who has connections.”

Given a good Australian Marketing Specialist is well-connected with a diverse network of industry contacts, bringing them in means you can access those people too.

Typically speaking, a Marketing Consultant knows a lot of marketing agencies, software providers, researchers, media and more.

You can get them to tap into their pool of resources whenever you need and have your Marketing Consultant screen them for you. Great!

6. “I need someone to speed my marketing projects up.”

Marketing strategies and sales campaigns can take a while to roll out due to inner procedures, politics and… well… the fact that you have a lot on!

So, you can bring in a Marketing Consultant to focus on your projects and whip everything into shape. This way, you can take marketing projects from “in-progress” to launched asap.

If you’re feeling a little spread thin, then a Virtual CMO like this can help out.

7. “I want someone to train my team in Marketing.”

Marketing Consultants and Australian Business Marketing Coaches can do far more than just provide ideas and implement marketing strategies – we can also train your team and develop everyone to be able to carry everything out.

This means, your Marketing Advisor can lead by example and get everyone set up so that the burden doesn’t land solely on you. Imagine that!

Did you end up needing a Marketing Consultant?

If any of these sounded familiar, then, take action!

Find an experienced Marketing Advisor who is able to help you put your strategy together, provide innovative ideas and support your growth.

As a Marketing Consultant and Advisor, I can help you with your company’s Marketing, Branding and Communications requirements.

Reach out if you want to discuss your Marketing needs today. I can’t wait to collaborate with you and your team.

Speak to a trusted Marketing Advisor

My name is Christopher Melotti and I offer energised business marketing consulting unlike anything you’ve experienced!

I give your brand, business and team a vibrant dose of results-driven vigour aimed squarely at your goals.

Remember: your current “status-quo” or “same-same” has diminishing returns. You don’t want to be there. Let me reinvigorate your trajectory with my unique Australian business marketing advisory services. 

Christopher Melotti

Your trusted Australian Message Marketing Strategist, Creative Consultant & Brand Comms Specialist for Businesses & Professionals who aspire to do great things and want to be renowned for it. 

0415 522 521

See what Christopher Melotti’s clients say about his Marketing Consulting services.

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Top marketing strategist Sydney - Christopher Melotti