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Concept Creation

Great business comes from powerful ideas. Let’s generate them!


is Concept Creation?

A concept is like the ignition of your marketing, right?

So, Concept Creation is all about that spark and coming up with the initial ideas that will flare up your brand’s success. It’s new, exciting and refreshing – exactly how marketing is supposed to be.

It’s all about coming up with concepts, advertising campaigns and other fresh ideas that will hook your audiences and take your marketing to the next level (and beyond – depending on how far you want to go)


do you need Concept Creation?

Concept Creation is for when you’re looking for something new – so practically anytime!

When you want ideas that will boost your marketing, keep you ahead of the competition and get you the traction that you need to retain audiences and get new ones to connect with you, Concept Creation (done right, of course) is your best shot.

If you need an expert who can flesh out your freshest and most exciting ideas, it’s the time for Concept Creation.


needs Concept Creation?

All businesses, personalities and corporations need Concept Creation services. That’s because it doesn’t matter how big or small you are – your audiences are always looking for something new and exciting!

The bolder and bigger the ideas are, the easier it is for your target audience to find you – so Concept Creation is for those who want to dream big and execute bigger.


does Concept Creation work?

Where do the best ideas come from?

I say, from safe and creative spaces – so that’s exactly what I create for you and your team. We’ll set up a session where I push boundaries and come up with concepts that you can execute and trigger the spark for the ideas you never knew you had.

Concept Creation is all about pushing the limits until we can no longer see them and all that’s left are possibilities.


of Concept Creation


to apply Concept Creation?

You can use Concept Creation across all of your marketing efforts such as your website, product launches, social media and more. Wherever a refresh is needed, that’s where Concept Creation shines the brightest.

It’s a once-off service that you can use when you need it – and get exactly what you need out of it. And if I don’t come up with at least once concept, you get your money back. Easy!

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Marketing consulting by Christopher Melotti

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Need more answers?

Here are some FAQs and not-so-frequently seen answers about Concept Creation

How do I know I’ll get a marketing concept that aligns with my brand?

As an Australian Marketing Concept Creation specialist, an important part of my process is first sitting down with you to understand your business on a deeper level. That way, I can ensure that every new brand messaging concept I come up with for your brand is well-aligned with who you are, what you do and the value you offer your audience. 

While the best marketing concepts are often bold, exciting and a step in a new direction, I will work with you at every stage of the concept creation process to make sure that they still reflect the essence of your brand’s positioning. Because that’s what a great Concept Creation specialist does!

What industries benefit most from concept creation services?

The short answer: every industry can benefit from great brand concept developmentI can help you create brilliant new concepts and market positioning ideas that give your brand the boost it needs to achieve real success whether you’re in:

Of course, if you’re still unsure about whether expert concept creation services can help your business stand out in your industry, book in a discovery call with me today and I’ll show you exactly how I can help.

In just 15 minutes, I’ll listen to you to gain a brief understanding of who you are and what you do, before explaining exactly how my brand concept development process works and the market positioning benefits you will get from it to help you determine exactly what you need from me!

Can I use concept creation services to help rebrand my business?

Yes, of course! Part of every great rebranding process involves coming up with new and exciting messaging concepts that you can implement into your branding and marketing to help reengage your audience or tap into a new market. 

As a professional concept creative marketing specialist, I’m constantly working with organisations looking to rebrand, reposition and refresh their brand image, and I’d love to do the same for you! 

If you’re looking to rebrand and you’re struggling to come up with a fresh new concept, or you’d just like the confidence that comes with working with an experienced marketing professional, get in touch with me today!

How involved will I be in the concept creation process?

As a professional concept creation consultant, I don’t simply come in and provide you with a new concept without any input from you. For me to be able to provide you with an outstanding branding concept that you will love, I first need to learn about your marketing and what you stand for and what makes you tick

That’s when I take some time to come up with some new concepts that I think will work for you, before running each one by you to get your thoughts, opinions, feedback etc. until we have a branding concept that you are extremely happy with. 

While I am the concept creative expert, this marketing process relies just as much on you as it does on me.

How do I measure the success of my new concept?

Essentially, the success of your new marketing concept will be determined by whether or not you achieved the goals you set out to achieve

As a Sydney Concept Creation Consultant, one of the very first things I do when we sit down together is ask you what you want to achieve with your new concept positioning. 

Why? Because your business goals will help to guide our decision making throughout the entire process.

We want to ensure that you get the best concept possible to help you achieve your goals, so we need to tailor everything to make sure those goals are met. 

How long does the concept creation process take?

This one depends on a few different factors

First and foremost, the more complex the messaging concept, the longer it is likely going to take to get right. Again, it also depends on your goals when engaging a brand concept creation specialist such as myself. If you’ve got simple goals that don’t require a whole lot of brainstorming, research or design, then this will take significantly less time to create than if you have complex goals and parameters in place. 

Of course, as an expert marketing concept creation professional, I’m well-versed in both the simple and the complex processes, and can work with you as required to ensure you get the best results from your concept creation.

How do I ensure that my new concept is flexible and can adapt to market changes and trends?

If you’re looking for a new brand concept to position your business to remain flexible and adaptable to the market, this is 100% something that we can do together! 

As a Sydney Concept Creation specialist and marketing consultant, I’ve worked with many brands that were looking for new messaging concepts that they could use time and time again, no matter the market conditions or current trends. In fact, flexibility and adaptability are two things that I work to build into your new concepts naturally, helping to create a sense of longevity in your concept and continue to provide your brand with a great marketing option for years to come.

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