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AI Written Blogs vs Human Written Articles

Written by Christopher Melotti

Generative AI platforms like Gemini and ChatGPT have hit the scene and we’re seeing a lot of content marketing being produced by them.

Yep, nothing new – businesses are using them.

It’s easy fast and cheap, so it’s no surprise.

It can even be quite convincing at first glance.

However, the message itself often fails to connect and convince readers that the content is meant for them. 


Paradoxically, it’s because of the human controlling AI.

We must remember that AI is a tool, and where it goes wrong is paradoxically where humans come in when people don’t explain the full context. That’s where you need the expertise.

A lack of connection with the audience completely defeats the purpose when trying to market to a specific reader.

So, where most people go wrong is they use AI thinking it understands the whole picture.

Good AI-generated content requires detailed prompting, which most people struggle with. Without all the right information in the context, the AI is left to make a lot of assumptions, and those assumptions are where it goes wrong.

In this article, I discuss HOW to use AI platforms effectively and how they compare to humans

I got asked recently (very innocently) by a client:

“I know we’ve used you a lot in the past, but lately we’ve been using AI to create content, and it’s done a sufficient job. (Respectfully) Why would I need to use you?”

It was a great question to ask as it has, no doubt, crossed the minds of many business owners.

In many cases, I have found that generative AI does a decent job of writing articles.

Now, this content might be great for padding out blogs, but it will not be great for your business.


You only get one chance to make a first impression with your target reader, so your content needs to get their attention and hold it.

So, it is imperative that know how you can add value on top of what AI provides. This is the difference a professional human marketer makes; through our marketing strategy and the originality of the content we produce.

These 3 considerations always ring true if you want to see marketing success:

1. What does my audience want to read? = The right strategy

2. What hasn’t my audience seen before? = genuine originality

3. What will keep my audience engaged? = communications nuance

Unfortunately, AI can struggle with all of these, which also often means it gets punished by SEO (as one of our clients discovered, recently).

The strengths of AI in Content Creation.

The general sentiment around using AI in business is ‘get on board or get left behind’.
The reality is that business owners are going to need to accept that they will need to play to the strengths of AI to get ahead.

Speed and efficiency are key defining features that draw so many businesses to AI.

Business owners see a cheap means of creating content at scale. They are drawn by the cost-saving and efficiency implications. I get it!

Suddenly they can do away with paying someone to sit down for a few hours, to research and write a marketing content piece.

AI platforms can effectively write as much as they want, on any given topic, in a matter of minutes.

Another huge drawcard is using AI to research and collate data and then provide detailed insights.

AI can access vast amounts of data from its neural network and bring it all to one place with a simple prompt. This allows for drastically reduced research time and quick interpretation of the findings. The ability to rapidly perform such a task allows a business to gain a significant edge over its competitors.

One thing to remember, when using AI for data gathering, be sure to verify sources, when AI isn’t sure, it invents things.

When it comes to efficiency in content creation, AI is amazing at helping to speed up creative ideation.

AI can take a lot of weight off a writer’s shoulders creatively. AI is invaluable in helping to brainstorm and develop fresh ideas. It can also help to overcome writer’s block and provide a new perspective.

Limitations of AI in Content Creation.

Used for the productivity tool it is, AI can be incredibly helpful when used correctly. But, as with any tool, AI has its limitations.

Understanding these limitations helps to be clear on when to use it and when to rely on good old-fashioned human experience.

Lack of contextual understanding is a weak point in AI-generated content.

You may think you’ve asked a straightforward question, but if there is any context to the question, this may very well be lost on the AI.

For example, a business could prompt AI to write ad copy. It might say something to the effect of ‘our product is really important’. This may well be the case, but if readers don’t know why the product is helpful, who it helps and how it helps, then the ad is useless.

Emotional Intelligence. For marketing content to connect with the desired reader, it needs to evoke an emotional response.

When crafting content, the question ‘Why should my reader care?’ is top of mind. Without an emotional connection to the message, positive or otherwise, the reader won’t understand how the message affects them.

AI is currently incapable of creating such emotional connection.

Ethical Implications. AI will always generate a response that gives the most direct answer to the prompt, nothing more.

AI has no understanding of the deeply nuanced realm of ethics and what is socially or legally acceptable. This occasionally leads to outputs that need to be revised, either manually or by some further prompting with additional parameters.

All of these limitations rely heavily on human input, based on experience and understanding, to provide context to generate relevant content, that is socially aware and creates emotional connection.

Humans Role in AI-driven Content Creation

Content is a marketing tool that needs to be overseen by marketing-minded individuals, with a clear and comprehensive understanding of a brand’s marketing strategy.

There are no shortcuts and no two ways about this. AI alone, prompted by anyone else is incapable of generating material that performs as required.

We understand everything the prompt needs to say and include and everything that needs to be left out to generate something of value. And this is only the beginning.

Let's assume we have just used AI to generate, what appears to be, a well-prompted article.

Even with this output, it will require a deal of human oversight to ensure the piece is truly valuable and worth the time spent on it.

AI is incredibly powerful, but no output should ever be deemed perfect.

Any AI-generated content intended for public consumption requires a degree of ‘Humanising’, refining and editing from a marketer.

They will make sure that the content is polished, relevant and personable in a way that AI can’t replicate.

The refinement process also sees that the content is mindful of social and ethical acceptability.

Marketing content backed by a clear strategy.

Content is used heavily in marketing, for its power to share high-value information that positions a business or service as the answer to the reader’s problems.

It’s reasonable to expect that a business owner might like to try using AI to help create their marketing content.

From a content producer’s standpoint, understanding the strategy and overarching objectives ensures the content will speak to the right audience and share valuable content, that resonates.

The first step is having a comprehensive marketing plan.

Your content writer should keep a brand’s marketing plan, front of mind, so they can provide the AI with parameters based on the brand’s voice and marketing objectives.

Training your copywriters and training your AI

Business owners and their marketing teams need to invest time in working with AI.

When your writer understands how to work with AI properly, they have more control over the creative process and alignment with the marketing strategy. As with all tools, AI platforms require a level of mastery, only attainable by regular use.

Also, with regular use, your AI begins to understand your brand and its needs, which helps when writing in a business context.

It would pay to encourage writers to use AI to prompt detailed outlines rather than having AI write it all.

Helping to come up with outline ideas, can save even the best writers, hours of additional work. It also removes any chance of AI generating content that is misleading or misaligned.

Getting the most out of AI requires continuous monitoring and adaptation to make sure the outputs stay aligned with messaging objectives.

Human Creativity Vs AI Creativity.

It should be clear that both humans and AI have their strengths and weaknesses.

When it comes to creating content marketing, the two are greater than the sum of their parts.

The use of AI in marketing requires human guidance to maintain brand integrity and alignment with brand identity. While AI increases efficiency, human input is crucial to creating authentic content that resonates emotionally with an audience.

The result of this relationship should be a massive upgrade in campaign efficiency, effectiveness and return on investment.

AI is here to stay, so businesses and marketers are best off understanding and mastering AI collaboration.

Is your AI-generated marketing content aligned with your marketing strategy?

Both myself as a Marketing Consultant, and my incredible team Melotti Content Media – we understand the importance of trying to create efficiency in your business, wherever possible.

However, efficiency should never come at the cost of brand integrity or marketing effectiveness.

We can show you a better way to be as efficient and move your business forward, without sacrificing your brand or message.

Let’s get you the results you’re after.

Christopher Melotti

Your trusted Australian Message Marketing Strategist, Creative Consultant & Brand Comms Specialist for Businesses & Professionals who aspire to do great things and want to be renowned for it. 

0415 522 521

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