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1 Business Challenge Every Business Faces

Written by Christopher Melotti

Have you guessed what it is, yet?!

Even though you probably know or have felt this challenge on a subconscious level, almost all businesses overlook this challenge and fail to take the time to address it.

It’s a common business challenge that is really costing you.

“So, what is it, Chris?”

Creating and sticking with a unique brand message!

Yes – wait wait wait. Hear me out.

Organisations are always making it hard for their customers to understand and remember their brand!

That’s because they either:

  1. Keep guessing their way through their brand communications

    (How can you expect your customers to understand if you’re not sure yourself?!)

  2. Changing their brand communications

    (How can people remember you if you keep changing?!)

If you keep shifting the goalposts, then it makes it hard for your very busy audience to remember you…

… and this simple mistake is being made every day, costing businesses a fortune in lost sales and brand confusion.

Working within your business is both a strength and a weakness.

Did you know that? You see no one knows your brand like you do

no one knows your brand like you do


you don’t see your brand like your customers do

This creates the “brand messaging paradox” where you communicate your brand in a hugely different way to your customers.

“How do I address this top business communication challenge?”

Great question!

The answer is simple:


Brand messaging confusion


Create your own brand messaging guidelines


Continuous brand messaging changes


Stick to the above brand messaging guidelines!


By applying your approved brand communications guidelines across all of your channels (marketing, sales, digital, customer service, etc), it keeps your brand super clear, memorable, distinctive and consistent.

Imagine how much easier this will be for your customers going forward! More people choose you when they “get” you.

In other words, if your brand communicates effectively, you can make a stronger and far longer lasting impression on an audience.

But this is where businesses go wrong!

They’re guessing and changing the way their brand communicates and are paying the price every day.

Explain why this solves the number 1 business challenge

These days, businesses and companies come in so many shapes and sizes across all different industries and markets as well.

That means that the challenges businesses face are more vast and varied than ever before.

This is especially the case when it comes to marketing challenges with so many different channels, touchpoints and strategies to consider.

Despite the never-ending list of challenges businesses face, as a Marketing Consultant, there’s that ONE challenge that I see repeat itself over and over every day that they all have in common: creating and sticking with a unique brand message.

Not just unique but a customer-relevant message too.

It may be difficult to hear this, but it is a reality:

If customers don't find you relevant and they can't remember you, your business doesn't exist.

It’s just the truth. There – I said it. This means two things:

You need to know what is contextually relevant to your target audience

You need to communicate it clearly, consistently and constantly.

Argh, why?

It’s simple:

  1. People only pay attention to what’s relevant to them.
    For example, when they want a new car, they suddenly sharpen their attention to cars, they open their mind to the vehicle industry and proactively pursue more information.

    A relevant marketing message hits them hard here because you’re sending them a message that they’re open to and pointing them directly to you as the solution.

  2. People have short memories and shorter attention spans

    If you’re not present and reminding them, your brand will very quickly slip from their memories. We’re human! We forget. 

    ✔ Clear messages avoid confusion.
    ✔ Consistent messages provide certainty.
    ✔ Constant messages ensure they remember.

Seems like a simple concept! This all makes perfect sense.

Then, why do businesses struggle with this?

Let’s look at this logically.

People are busy every day.

They’ve got budgets and goals, itineraries and errands.

They are always looking for support, help and care.

So, if they come across your brand a few times and it communicates a sense of solution or support – they will be interested.

That's why I always say to my clients: "are you relevant in the lives of your customers?"

If they don’t associate you with something they need or some sort of solution in their busy lives AND if they can’t see you as a corresponding solution, then they’re overlooking you for your competitors.

Sorry. It’s just how it is.

So, let’s do something about your brand so you never have to worry about your business making the same mistake as thousands of others!

Christopher Melotti

Your trusted Australian Message Marketing Strategist, Creative Consultant & Brand Comms Specialist for Businesses & Professionals who aspire to do great things and want to be renowned for it. 

0415 522 521

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